Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I've figured out why so many people were having trouble posting comments. It was all down to technical error 432A; "operator incomptence". It's hopefully fixed now, and people should be able to comment freely and anonymously, should they so desire.


  1. Thank you, kind sir. That works nicely (or it will if this comment appears).

  2. Testing testing, one, two, one, two,

    I don't know why sound engineers say that, I suppose they can't count any higher...

  3. Great blog. Welcome to the blogosphere. Like many others, I've come here via Bystander. You're now bookmarked.

    @ anonymous...

    Sound engineers say one two one two 'cos if you say three you've got to lift something!

    Posted as anonymous because my wordpress account doesn't work.


  4. To avoid jury service, simply come off the electoral roll, as that is the list from which jurors are drawn. Or, commit a crime, go to prison, and presto, no more jury duty for ten years or so.

    Voting is a civic privilege, jury duty is a counterpart. Sorry. At least she didn't get stuck on a six-month fraud trial.

  5. I did try a couple of times, thanks for fixing.

  6. Killemallletgodsortitout.... Im sorry my friend but unless you (or your wife) have a sick note from a GP then you are in the draw for jury service like everyone else. I agree it is painfully boring whilst waiting for trials to start (or collapse before they start!!).

  7. I objected to the fact that when I reached a certain age they crossed me off the list for jury service

  8. hi I came here via Bystander....Im a JP too, enjoying reading your blog, keep it up

  9. "technical error 432A" also known as a ID 10 T error.
